Photo Credit: planetphotos.co.uk
THANDIE NEWTON was amazed when she learned ANGELINA JOLIE is to play a black woman in her latest film.
The stunning actress couldn't hide her surprise when she was shown a picture of Angelina as murdered journalist Daniel Pearl's mixed-race wife in the new movie about his life and death.
Thandie told me: "God I'm shocked. She's been blacked up to play a black women.
"I have to say it's surprising, very surprising."
Although the Crash star did confess she was a little jealous that the role in A Mighty Heart hadn't gone to her, she refused to criticise Angelina.
Talking at the Screen Nation Awards on Tuesday night, she added: "It's an absolutely fantastic role, I would loved to have played it.
"But I'm not going to criticise or judge her until I've seen the film, that would be wrong of me."
In the movie, Angelina pairs up with real life boyfriend BRAD PITT again, who is producing the film.
Jennifer Aniston Tells Oprah She and Vince Haven't Split
Jennifer Aniston
Aniston, 37, who showed Room 10, the short film she co-directed as part of Glamour magazine's "Reel Moments" series, said that contrary to rumor, she and Vaughn, 36, have not split (and are not engaged), audience member Rochelle Alfaro tells PEOPLE.
Nick Lachey explains Says Newlyweds a Factor in Divorce
Nick Lachey
His Beefiness, Nick Lachey, stopped by The Late Show with David Letterman Wednesday night and opened up about all things Jessica Simpson, and how the reality show of their marriage, The Newlyweds, contributed to their divorce.
However, he told Dave that he's now keeping his "private life private"
and made good on his promise by refusing to talk about his current
squeeze MTV VJ Vanessa Minnillo.
In the partial transcript below, Nick talks about staying friends with Jess and boozing through the pain:
David Letterman: You haven’t been here in quite a long time.
Nick Lachey: It has been a long time.
DL: You were here with your then wife, the lovely Jessica [Simpson].
NL: Yes indeed.
DL: You were doing a show that was on MTV about being a newlywed
at the time and, I don’t want to make you feel, maybe you don’t feel
bad, I can’t tell. But I would think that doing a show like that would maybe actually make the marriage stronger.
NL: Yeah. About that. [Audience laughs] Not so much. I don’t
think so...It was among the dumber ideas I think I’ve ever seen
executed in history.
DL: But at the time, there was every reason to do that show. People liked it.
NL: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And for a while, I think we actually
enjoyed doing the show as well. It was just so invasive that it became
a problem.
DL: Do you think that was why the marriage broke up?
NL: You know that’s one of those things where I think until you
get enough hindsight and enough clarity and perspective, I don’t think
you can really know what happened. But, I certainly think it was
probably a factor.
DL: Are you still friends? Friendly?
NL: We are. And I think both of us have handled it about as well
as we possibly could, under the microscope that we’re under and
everything. But, I think, again, with time, it’ll give us a better
opportunity to redefine our relationship.
DL: Have you learned anything from this?
NL: Absolutely nothing. I knew nothing going in. I know nothing
now. No. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is there’s a premium on
keeping your private life private. And I think when you’re in this
business, there’s always temptation to say more and say more and I
think at some point, you have to draw that line and say, “This is for
me. This is for us. And that’s for the public.”
DL: You’ll probably get married again one day though, right?
NL: I don’t know. It certainly hasn’t squashed my concept of
love and marriage and all that. I mean, people always ask that, “Do you
still believe in love?” Of course! I think that certain situations are meant
to work out and others aren’t. Unfortunately, this one wasn’t.
DL: Now, when I got divorced years and years and years ago, I
spent a considerable amount of time thereafter drunk. I mean, really
[NL and audience laugh]
NL: It wasn’t quite that bad but, I definitely think you go
through different phases and there’s certainly a phase of, “Oh, I don’t
care about anything—I’m going to throw myself into a little bit of
booze and kind of numb the pain.” And I went through a little bit of
that and came out on the other side and still have some sobriety left.
DL: You don’t want to tell us who you’re seeing is apparently what you’re saying then?
NL: She will remain nameless. But she knows who she is!
DL: Well, that’s important.
NL: It’s important.
DL: It is important. I dated a girl one time who didn’t know who she was and for me it was easy. [Audience laughs]
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