Many people across the world following the gossip and tabloids surrounding Britney Spears were shocked to see her marry a man like Kevin Federline after knowing him for such a short while. Did she really know him? Was he really a good guy or only out for her money? How could she fall so fast for someone she hardly knew?
As everyone knows Britney Spears and Kevin Federline had a baby short after getting married, now rumors are flying that their relationship is on the rocks, or about to burst as Kevin tries to form a successful singing career using his wife’s money while Britney tries to get her once star status back to what it used to be.
Now, to add to all this Kevin Federline was recently seen with Sandy Lakdar (apparently a French actress…). Nobody really knows their connection or relationship and can only make assumptions from the recently released paparazzi pictures of the two together. Are they just friends, or more than that? One could assume something was going on….I know that if I were Britney I wouldn’t want my hubby clinging that closely to a fellow blonde, especially considering Britney is out of town. How convenient.
Contributing writer Christina from
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