Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sexy Left!

Something I read in last week's US Weekly Magazine has been nagging at me. On page 56, there is a little snippet, "Prince and JT's 'Sexy' Spat."

Apparently, The 48 year old artist formerly known as an odd symbol, "Prince" isn't happy that Justin Timberlake has a new single, "Bringing Sexy Back." The 48 year old has-been is claiming that "Sexy never left."

As a heterosexual woman in her twenties, I assure you that sexy did leave Prince a long time ago. He has a great voice and has put out some great hits, but he dresses like he made a killing at Liberace's estate sale after he died of AIDS in 1987. Dear Prince,

Sexy left. You're 48 years old, let it go.

PS. If picking on 25 year olds isn't working for your self-esteem, please get a prescription for Xanax and leave us all in peace.

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