Saturday, September 09, 2006

Vampire or Do Gooder Earth Mother-You Decide

Brad Pitt, ever the social activist, says he won't be marrying Angelina Jolie until the restrictions on who can marry whom are dropped.

"Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able," the 42-year-old actor reveals in Esquire magazine's October issue, on newsstands Sept. 19.

His logic is warped and he is so full of himself. Thats like saying I am not eating until world hunger is cured and everyone has an Olive Garden in their village. Also the fact that he calls her "Angie" smacks of someone who names their pit bull Snuggles McSnugglesworth.

Since when did Brad Pitt become such a pussy? Probably not marrying old big lips Jolie because she will marry him when she is good and damn ready. Pitts her bitch.

Well....this is all well and good but I can remember when Ms. Jolie was a vampire. Yep it's true folks. A bonifide vampire. Like a scary, goth chic who thinks that its Halloween year round, except without the zits, greasy hair and weird attire from Hot Topic.

Before she was flying around in a plane feeding Africans with aids, adopting third world countries and crack babies she was flying around on a broom with a vial of Billy Bob "manorexia" Thornton's blood around her neck and french kissing her ubber weird brother on some awards show.....what a short memory Hollyweird has when it comes to pr moves. Dirty bondage bitch one week, the next the flying nun (literally).

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