Saturday, June 21, 2008

Britney Spears' return to LA begins with scuffle

LOS ANGELES -- Britney Spears is back in Los Angeles, and it didn't take long for trouble to find her.

Within moments of arriving at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday evening, Spears' entourage was involved in a scuffle with a paparazzo.

Between 30 and 35 photographers swarmed her vehicle outside the terminal before a bodyguard pushed a camera into a photographer's face, airport police Sgt. Jim Holcomb said.

Holcomb said the paparazzo complained that the shove left a slight mark on the cheek, but cooler heads prevailed and no charges were filed.

The 26-year-old pop star was unscathed, and Holcomb says officers ensured she was able to leave the airport safely.


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