Monday, June 23, 2008

Naomi Campbell: I was the victim in airport incident

Supermodel says she was provoked in attack at Terminal 5

Naomi Campbell has defended her outburst at Heathrow Airport in April.

The supermodel was arrested for assaulting 2 police officers after her bags went missing at the troubled Terminal 5.

But Naomi – who is accused of kicking and spitting at the cops - insists she was provoked.

‘I was called a racial name on that flight,’ she says. '[It was] nothing to do with the police but British Airways. I was called a golliwog supermodel.'

But the 38-year-old admits her tantrum was out of order.

'I’m proud to be a black woman, I’m proud to be British, I’m proud of the job that I do but I did not call anyone names of colour, of their race,' she tells Sky News.

'At the end of the day, my upset and wrath came out on the police, which was wrong.'

Naomi, 38, pleaded guilty to 2 counts of assault, 1 count of disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress and using threatening, abusive words or behaviour to cabin crew.

She has been ordered to do 200 hours' community service within the next 12 months, pay £200 compensation to each the officers she assaulted, £150 compensation to the aircraft captain and fines totalling £2,300 and a £15 surcharge.

A spokesman for BA denies any wrongdoing: ‘British Airways does not accept any allegations of racism. We are proud of our diversity.’

This will be the model's second stint of community service. Last year, Naomi served 5 days' as a cleaner in New York as punishment for throwing a mobile at her housekeeper.


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