Wednesday, September 03, 2008

After more surgery Katie Price's body issues are worse than ever

Despite her recent breast reduction and Botox treatment on her mouth, Jordan is still depressed about the way she looks.

She told pals a couple of weeks ago: ‘I’m never going to be happy with my body.’

Now those closest to the 30-year-old are wondering whether she’ll ever stop having surgery.

Husband Peter Andre, 35, is petrified that if the glamour model has any more procedures, she’ll die under general anaesthetic.

Worryingly, Jordan’s old eating problems also seem to have returned. On 15 August she was pictured in Hollywood carrying the strong laxative Dulcolax in a plastic bag.

Her spokeswoman tells Now : ‘It’s just one of those things you carry on holiday,’ which may be so, but for someone with Jordan’s weight issues, it’s particularly worrying.

In the past, Jordan’s confessed that she finds it difficult to handle stress and she’s notorious for leaving things until the last minute, which makes matters worse. When stressed, she often forgets to eat and struggles to sleep, which makes her behaviour even more erratic.

‘The biggest concern is that she isn’t eating,' says a source. 'It's really worrying Pete as he quite rightly says that she needs to build up her strength. But she won’t listen. She just says she’ll eat when she’s good and ready.’

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