Monday, September 08, 2008

Lynne Spears: It killed me to witness Britney's downfall

Britney Spears’ mom Lynne says she was devastated when she saw the star being taken to a psychiatric hospital on live TV.

The singer, 26, was filmed as she was carried out of her Hollywood home on a stretcher in January.

‘When I saw her in the ambulance, her beautiful brown eyes pained and haunted, something inside me broke,’ Lynne explains.

‘To see my child like this – at the lowest ebb of her life – almost killed me.

'I was overcome with a feeling of sadness and helplessness.'

Lynne, 54, also watched her daughter shave off her hair on TV last year.

'It was so shocking, so disturbing to see that girl with such despondency in her eyes,’ she says in new book Through The Storm – A Real Story Of Fame And Family In A Tabloid World.

'It broke my heart in a million pieces.’

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