Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sam: Lohan will be Mrs Ronson

SAMANTHA RONSON says that she WILL marry lesbian lover LINDSAY LOHAN in the next six months.

Sam used her DJ slot at top LA hotel and night spot Chateau Marmont to announce the news, telling clubbers: “By the end of this year, my love will be Mrs Ronson.”

She added: “Tonight shows the power of a woman – to underestimate that is to underestimate the world.”

Li-Lo - who yesterday showed off her trim figure in a bandage dress on the set of Ugly Betty (inset) - has also been talking up her relationship with Sam, plus their matching tattoos.

She told Marie Claire: “Samantha had some stars so I had some done as well.

“I am very happy. She is a fantastic person who has a great influence on everyone around her.”

Though the Mean Girls star wasn't quite so complimentary about her dad, MICHAEL, after his recent outburst at Sam.

He believes the DJ is only dating his daughter to boost her fame.

Lindsay said: "I don't know what's going on with it. I haven't asked him any questions.

"Apparently we've been in the dark for so many years. We've gone through enough with him. Enough is enough."

And she insists she will not speak to him again "until he decides to be a grown-up".

Meanwhile earlier in Sam's evening, the club’s parlour singer RAYMOND dedicated a cover of THE BEATLES’ All My Loving to Li-Lo.

And he told a newspaper: “Samantha and Lindsay are the most in love Hollywood couple I’ve ever seen.

“Every Friday night they come in here and do cheesy dancing. MC Hammer is their favourite.”


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