Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tom Cruise: Anti-Scientology protesters picket Katie Holmes Broadyway Show

Tom Cruise has refused to comment on the anti-Scientology protest in New York last night.

The 46-year-old actor was greeted by around 20 picketers when he went to watch wife Katie Holmes, 29, in a preview of Broadway show All My Sons.

Members of protest group Anonymous, who wore black masks, chanted 'Free Katie' as he entered the theatre.

‘We are not boycotting Katie, we are not boycotting the play, we are protesting Scientology,’ a demonstrator tells Us Weekly.

‘It is evil. Scientology kills people. It follows you home at night. It is perverted.’

All My Sons runs until 11 January.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Repeatedly, spokespersons for the masked terrorist organization “Anonymous” have promised that they weren’t out to ruin the lives of individual Scientologists.

And yet, now they have announced their intent to disrupt Katie Holmes’ Broadway debut in All My Sons by protesting that a Scientologist should be allowed to take part in a Broadway show. These hateful psychotics have made it clearer than ever now that they hold anyone who is a Scientologist (or just married to one) to be “fair game” for destruction. Funny how the people who rant the most about “fair game” are the ones who are actually practicing it against innocent citizens.

Are we going to allow this gang of thugs to continue to harass innocent people over their religious beliefs? Can we allow people to have their safety jeopardized and careers ruined simply because they choose to believe in Scientology?