Saturday, November 01, 2008

Nicole Scherzinger: Says she is pretty average

Singer Nicole Scherzinger says she is pretty average.

‘I think I’d rate myself as 5 out of 10 for my looks,’ she insists. ‘Right in the middle.’

Nicole is currently dating Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton, 23.

But the Pussycat Doll, 30, wasn’t always popular with the opposite sex.

‘I used to be cripplingly shy,' she says. 'My grandfather was a preacher. I came from a very religious, strict upbringing in Hawaii and I wasn't very popular.

'Guys just wouldn’t go out with me.’

Singing helped Nicole develop a bit of self esteem.

'It wasn't until I got to high school that I began to blossom,' she tells Sugar. 'Even though I was shy, uncomfortable and lanky, my music brought me out of myself.'

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1 comment:

groovepeppy said...

Lewis looks too young for her imo . . .